
Training for the aviation industry

Training for the aviation industry

Cranfield University short courses offer solutions to the complex challenges facing the aviation industry.

UFIS-AS: supporting airport operational management

UFIS Airport Solutions (UFIS-AS) already has a wide base of customers and an extensive range of systems installed in more than 25 of the world’s leading and busiest airports. At the same time, it is also looking to the future and is working continuously on updating its technology to offer IS/IT managers the most efficient and beneficial solutions it can.

bagport chooses Wheelbox system

The bagport Group, a provider of automated trolley services to many airports, including London-Luton, Bristol, Stockholm, Boston and Philadelphia, has chosen to use the Wheelbox automated wheelchair dispensing system as part of its PRM service – AssistPort.

European airport trends 2008

Airport traffic stagnating this summer, likely to be down at least 5% this winter

By Ralph Anker, Editor, anna.aero

EASA’s working group to promote aviation ‘safety culture’

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) launched the voluntary European Strategic Safety Initiative (ESSI) to meet its commitments to sustaining and improving air safety. EASA’s safety analysis and research department has conducted studies and made recommendations for aviation safety in Europe and worldwide. Louise Driscoll spoke with John Vincent, Head of Safety Analysis and Research, to report on the progress of its latest studies.