
CDA action plan to reduce CO2 emissions

CDA action plan to reduce CO2 emissions

The 4th Aviation & Environment Summit took place in Geneva on 31 March and 1 April. The challenges of the economic crisis didn’t diminish participation – the presence of some 400 industry leaders and environmental experts is testament to the continued importance attached by the aviation industry to the challenge of climate change. Ross Falconer reports.

Schiphol striving for carbon neutrality by 2012

Environmental considerations are an integral part of Amsterdam-Schiphol’s corporate strategy. Ross Falconer spoke with Lonneke Reinders, advisor airport development, about the airport’s environmental initiatives, including carbon efficiency, noise monitoring and local air quality.

Kilfrost’s latest eco-friendly de-icers

Kilfrost is launching two new products across its range of environmentally friendly de-icing fluids: The Type IV ABC4sustain for ground de-icing, and TKSsustain for in-flight de-icing will be available in the autumn.

Nice – a consultative environmental approach

Environmental considerations are high on the agenda of Nice Côte d’Azur Airport; its strategic plan highlights three key environmental commitments – reducing and controlling pollution, acting in full transparency and consultation with external stakeholders, and developing management that integrates this environmental philosophy. Ross Falconer spoke with Isabelle Vandrot, sustainable development manager.

European Aviation Summit addresses environmental sustainability

This year’s European Aviation Summit was held in Bordeaux on 17-19 November, at the initiative of the French Presidency of the European Union. The event took particular account of the effects of the current financial crisis and economic slowdown, but the focus remained fixed on aviation’s interaction with the EU’s climate change priority. Ross Falconer reports.