
Airports in the news

Airports in the news

Our ‘Airports in the News’ map provides a snapshot of the latest news from around Europe. Ensure that ACI EUROPE is up to speed with the latest news at your airport by contacting us via communique@aci-europe.org or via our Twitter feed @ACI_EUROPE.

Airports in the news

Our ‘Airports in the News’ map provides a snapshot of the latest news from around Europe. Ensure that ACI EUROPE is up to speed with the latest news at your airport by contacting us via communique@aci-europe.org or via our Twitter feed @ACI_EUROPE.

Summer peak capacity up just 1% at European airports in 2012

Despite the economic difficulties being experienced across much of Europe this Summer, the region’s airports and airlines have remained reasonably resilient according to anna.aero’s analysis of OAG schedule data for August. This shows that across 644 European airports scheduled seat capacity is up 1.2%, while aircraft movements are down 1.5%. Considering that since last summer two major airlines have closed down (Malév and Spanair) and a number of smaller regional carriers have also ceased operating (Air Finland, Cimber Sterling, Czech Connect Airlines, Skyways) a small increase in total seat capacity can be viewed as impressive.

Heathrow’s Paralympic success leaves lasting legacy

A fantastic summer of sport for Great Britain drew to a close on 9 September with the end of the Paralympic Games. On 10 September, London-Heathrow waved goodbye to 5,000 departing Paralympic athletes and officials. Nick Cole, Head of Olympic and Paralympic Planning, London-Heathrow, outlined the unique challenges presented by the Paralympics and the positive lasting legacy for the airport, to Ross Falconer.

How reliable are runway friction testers in extreme weather conditions?

Airport Business examines the reliability of runway friction testers in extreme weather conditions and what can be done to further enhance testing in such scenarios. Ross Falconer spoke with Paul Fraser-Bennison, Aerodrome Standards Officer, Safety Regulation Group, UK CAA, and Armann Norheim, Rapporteur, ICAO Friction Task Force.