
The challenges of setting airport charges

The challenges of setting airport charges

Macquarie, through Macquarie Capital Funds, has been adept in managing the airports it has made investments in, improving performance across its global portfolio, including the core airports of Sydney, Copenhagen, Bristol and Brussels. Richard Sharp, Associate Director – Airports Team, Macquarie Capital Funds, explained to Louise Driscoll how it is able to meet the competing demands of airports and carriers within a competitive, regulatory environment.

Fiumicino’s new Terminal 5 gives long-haul passengers more space

Aeroporti di Roma opened the new Terminal 5 at Fiumicino on 3 May. The 14,000sqm facility, which is designed to ease congestion in Terminal C, is currently being used by airlines operating services to the US, with Israeli carrier EL AL to commence services from the terminal in June. Ross Falconer reports.

Lyon investing €210m in dual growth strategy

After a dynamic year in 2007, with an 8.4 % increase to almost 7.3 million passengers, Lyon Saint Exupéry boasted the highest growth rate in France during Q1 2008 – figures going into May showing a 15.9% rise year-on-year. To ensure continued success, the airport has two major strategic focuses, as CEO Philippe Bernand explained to Michelle Meineke.

Sheremetyevo aims to regain premier status in Russia

Sheremetyevo International Airport has appointed Scott Wilson to develop a master plan for the airport to 2030. It will incorporate Aeroflot’s new terminal – Terminal 3, a third runway and the phased expansion of the airport. Moscow Sheremetyevo has ambitious plans to regain its position as the number one gateway into Russia. Ross Falconer spoke with Rob Rushmer, Technical Director, Scott Wilson.

T5 to enable Heathrow’s transformation

While London- Heathrow’s Terminal 5 experienced much-publicised baggage problems on opening, it is widely acknowledged that it is a world class facility and one that was notably delivered on time and on budget. Significantly, it also creates room for major transformation of the rest of the airport. Ross Falconer reports.